Fee for screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders and other services [Admin.Code DHS 115.05] -
CR 12–025Screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code DHS 115.01, 115.02, 115.04, 115.05] -
CR 14–074Medical Assistance (MA) coverage for outpatient mental health services [Admin.Code DHS 35.16, 107.02, 107.13] -
CR 14–066License to practice medicine and surgery: diploma requirement [Admin.Code Med 1.02] -
CR 13–090Physicians: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Med 13.06] -
CR 14–033License to practice medicine and surgery: diploma requirement [Admin.Code Med 1.02] -
CR 13–090Physicians: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Med 13.06] -
CR 14–033Physicians: unprofessional conduct [Admin.Code Med 10.01, 10.02, 10.03 (title)] -
CR 13–008Annual Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund fees and mediation panel fees for fiscal year 2013 and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 12–026Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund and mediation panel fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014; and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 14–046Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund Annual Fund and mediation panel fees, and Insurance Service Office (ISO) code amendments for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013; and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 13–044Dentistry: sedation permits and classes of permits [Admin.Code DE 11.02, 11.05, 11.06, 11.07] -
CR 13–061Physicians: informed consent [Admin.Code Med 18 (title), 18.02, 18.03 (title), 18.04, 18.05] -
CR 14–040Sales and use tax provisions concerning advertising, promotional direct mail, and prosthetic devices [Admin.Code Tax 11.17, 11.19, 11.56, 11.70, 11.72 (note), 11.94, 11.945] -
CR 13–011Medical Assistance (MA) coverage for outpatient mental health services [Admin.Code DHS 35.16, 107.02, 107.13] -
CR 14–066Military family financial aid [Admin.Code DMA 1] -
CR 10–1112013 WisAct 1, the Ferrous Mining Law [Admin.Code NR 103.06, 123.02, 130 (title), 130.01, 130.02, 130.03, 130.06, 131 (title), 131.01, 131.02, 131.03, 132.01, 132 (title), 132.02, 132.03, 132.085, 135.02, 140.03, 182 (title), 182.01, 182.02, 182.04, 182.075, 213.02, 214.02, 406.08, 500.02, 502.02, 503.02, 504.02, 506.02, 507.02, 508.02, 509.02, 510.02, 512.02, 514.02, 516.02, 518.02, 520.02, 524.02, 526.02, 528.02, 538.02, 812.02, 815.03, 815.06, 815.11] -
CR 13–057Public utility taxation, investment and local impact fund, and real estate transfer fee [Admin.Code Tax 6.02, 6.40, 6.50, 13.05, 15.03, 15.05] -
CR 13–037Wisconsin talent incentive grant [Admin.Code HEA 5.04] -
CR 12–044Manufactured home communities – fair trade practices and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 125 (title), 125.01, 125.02, 125.03, 125.04, 125.05 (title), 125.06 (title), 125.07 (title), 125.08, 125.09, 134.02] -
CR 13–027Auto title loans [Admin.Code DFI–Bkg 78] -
CR 12–034Motor carrier safety and affecting small business [Admin.Code Trans 327.14] -
CR 14–031Operator's licenses and identification cards [Admin.Code Trans 102.04, 102.14, 102.15] -
CR 14–061Child care vehicle safety alarm [Admin.Code DCF 202.04, 202.08, 202.09, 250.08, 250.12, 251.08, 251.12, 252.06, 252.09] -
CR 14–028Uniform Traffic Citation [Admin.Code Trans 114.03, 114.06, 114.07, 114 Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -
CR 12–019Plumbing plan review by municipal agents [Admin.Code SPS 382.20, 382.40, Appendix A–382.20, Appendix A–382.33] -
CR 13–046Law enforcement aids to counties and municipalities [Admin.Code NR 50.03, 50.12, 50.125, 50.13, 64.15] -
CR 14–062Local financial reporting and expenditure restraint payments [Admin.Code Tax 16.04, 16.06, 19.03] -
CR 13–035Safe Drinking Water Loan program [Admin.Code NR 166] -
CR 14–044Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN): electronic delivery of applications [Admin.Code PSC 111.51] -
CR 13–101Community Development Block Grant Program [Admin.Code Adm 93] -
CR 13–069Enterprise zones and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 102] -
CR 11–009Local financial reporting and expenditure restraint payments [Admin.Code Tax 16.04, 16.06, 19.03] -
CR 13–035Endangered and threatened species list [Admin.Code NR 27.03] -
CR 13–010County forest time standards grant: directing the distribution of grant funding [Admin.Code NR 47.65] -
CR 14–0362013 WisAct 1, the Ferrous Mining Law [Admin.Code NR 103.06, 123.02, 130 (title), 130.01, 130.02, 130.03, 130.06, 131 (title), 131.01, 131.02, 131.03, 132.01, 132 (title), 132.02, 132.03, 132.085, 135.02, 140.03, 182 (title), 182.01, 182.02, 182.04, 182.075, 213.02, 214.02, 406.08, 500.02, 502.02, 503.02, 504.02, 506.02, 507.02, 508.02, 509.02, 510.02, 512.02, 514.02, 516.02, 518.02, 520.02, 524.02, 526.02, 528.02, 538.02, 812.02, 815.03, 815.06, 815.11] -
CR 13–057